The Beast 50 Most Loathsome People in America, 2004
This a fairly strange mix of loathsome right wing pundits, such as Ann Coulter, Bob Novak, Armstrong Williams, political characters, and mostly irrelevant, yet annoying, pop stars. I'm glad to see that Michael Savage, Stephen Moore, Tony Blankley, Kenneth Blackwell, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and George W. Bush made the list. Bush is all the way down at number #6. Could be higher, but there isn't too much to choose from. Putting Kerry at #5 for losing the election is a little harsh, with the slanted playing field and all, but Bush really is a unpopular president. According the to job approval ratings, "Not Bush" would've beat Bush, so, it goes to reason that Kerry would've lost against "Not Bush". Then again, "Not Bush", being the antithesis of Bush would've meant finding a guy that represents all that is good, which is a pretty hard sell. This isn't making any sense, is it?